About us

🐾 Welcome to Meowsavvy! 🐱

Once upon a time, nestled in a cozy corner of the internet, there was a brand born out of pure feline passion: Meowsavvy. 🌟

Our story begins with a group of avid cat lovers - dreamers, adventurers, and, above all, dedicated to delighting our whiskered companions. 

Driven by a mission to create joyous moments for our four-legged friends, we embarked on a quest. We scoured the lands for the finest cat scratchers, toys, and accessories that promise endless purrs and tail wiggles. 🌍

Meowsavvy isn't just a store; it's a haven where your cat's happiness takes center stage. From scratchers that turn every corner into a playground to toys that spark curiosity, we curate products designed to elevate their playtime. 🎁

But it's more than just play; it's a bond. It's that shared glance, that gentle nudge, and those playful paws that make your heart skip a beat. At Meowsavvy, we celebrate these moments that make life with cats truly magical. ✨💖

We're not just a brand; we're a community of cat enthusiasts on a collective adventure. Join us in crafting unforgettable memories and providing the best for our beloved companions. 🌟

Thank you for being a part of our Meowsavvy family. Together, let's make every whisker count! 


Kemp House, 160 City Road
London, EC1V 2NX